Enjoy The Little Things: 10 Ideas + How to Do it

What are the things that make you happy?

If you’re like me, they’re usually big, exciting events — often in the distant future — like a big trip, a holiday, a promotion, and so on.

Thinking about the future and the long term, and making plans for a better outcome is important.

But when you focus on the future alone, you miss...the present. 

If you want to truly live life, you must learn how to enjoy the little things in life. 

10 Examples of Little Things in Life

What Does Enjoying The Little Things Mean?

Enjoying the little things means being grateful for small pleasures — which you often take for granted — in your everyday life.

How to Enjoy The Little Things in Life

This heading should be different.

It should be “How to Notice The Little Things in Life”.

Finding happiness or peace is a matter of perspective. We could look at a “little thing in life” and be annoyed about it. Or we could be happy about it. It all depends on our attitude. 

I can think of many examples of little things in life which gave happiness only as a memory — when thinking about them days, or even years, later.

Why Should You Enjoy The Little Things in Life?

I think the little things are not everything.

And I’m convinced happiness mostly comes from being in situations of discomfort. However, life is also made of small moments which will help you realize and plan important things about the past and the future.

The future is important. 

But life is now. In the present. In the little everyday things.

So take time to enjoy them.

Enjoy The Little Things Quote

Here’s my favorite quote about enjoying the little things in life:

“Enjoy the little things in life because one day you`ll look back and realize they were the big things.” — Kurt Vonnegut Jr.